Learn to Play Hockey

Learn to Play Hockey (LTPH) is intended for boys and girls beginning hockey who have previous skating experience. LTPH is the first level of organized hockey. The LTPH program develops the players’ skating skills and incorporates some of the fundamentals of hockey in a fun-filled atmosphere with supervised instruction. Typically, this is a two-year program. 


Boys and Girls, ages 4-8


Flynn Rink – 300 Elm Street, Medford, MA

Holland Rink – 270 Salem Street, Woburn, MA


The LTPH program runs from early October until early March. The program consists of two practices and one game per week. Generally, the schedule will look like the following:

 Practice 1: Tue OR Thu at the Flynn Rink at either 4pm or 5pm

 Practice 2: Saturday at Holland Rink late morning

 Game 1: Sunday at Flynn Rink in the morning

 All practices and games will be 50 minutes




At the start of the season players will be broken up into two groups (Level 1 & Level 2): 

LEVEL 1 (formerly called Bruins): will be made up of our newer less experienced skaters. 

LEVEL 2 (formerly called Tri-city): will be made up of our more experienced skaters and those in year 2 of the program. 


We are aware that kids of this program start at all different ages and develop at different speeds. The criteria for the Levels above is not set in stone with regards to grouping the players. It is used more as a guide to help balance a players age with their experience level so that he or she is placed appropriately and has an enjoyable experience. 


This is NOT a Learn to Skate program. WYH does not offer Learn to Skate. For Learn to Skate programs we recommend contacting the Flynn Rink directly. Their website is: www.flynnrink.com  


2024/2025 Learn to Play Hockey

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